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Last weekend I discovered a new series on Netflix; Girlboss. After watching it till way too late in the evening I continued watching it the next morning and didn’t stop until I’d finished the entire season. I absolutely loved it. The show follows a girl who is trying to find out what she wants to do. At this point she almost stumbles upon something she is good at and turns it into a successful business. Now, in general I would never say no to that concept, but it was actually even better than expected.

Despite everything that’s happening, Sophia remains a girl with so many flaws that it’s almost like she’s an actual human being. I really liked this because it’s often such a black and white image; if we would only be perfect like some go-getter in some series then we would be successful, when in fact there’s absolutely no need for any of that.

What’s more is that she’s definitely not the stereotype woman often displayed as founding a successful business. Recently I wrote a blog for a platform directed at women (, if you’re curious) and this actually matches that really well. I write primarily because the more voices are out there the more we can identify with something other than an unattainable ideal and the more we appreciate everyone’s individuality. I mean, my blog is not exactly making an impact, especially compared to a reasonably successful Netflix Original, but the entire point is that we start showing different sides of a story and start inspiring instead of setting up guidelines, limitations and conditions.

I promise this is my final rant on feminism for a (little) while, because I know it can get old, but I really needed to shout out this show as it’s just really good and everyone should totally go and watch it.

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