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Thesis writing and the real world

I don’t know why this is only now really registering but I’ve started thinking about how little time I have left. Not in terms of actual life, probably, but in terms of being a student. Less than a year now and I will have to be a fully functional, independent, adult with a job and a place to live and everything. It’s a strange thing, especially considering all the stuff I will have to do first, like finding a thesis internship and actually writing my thesis.

Mostly though, it has got me thinking about what my life will be like after I graduate. I have a pure hatred for sending in job applications but I will probably get over that. More importantly, I will lose my favourite excuse for the state my life is in: I’m a student.

The thing is, being a student, I’m not half bad. I have good grades, I visit my family regularly, I have enough friends and I’m not out of my mind drunk every day of the week. However, put my life in the light of an actual adult with a job and… it’s a less pretty picture. There’s something about dishes piling up, dirty laundry on the floor and staying in bed to watch Netflix for hours straight that just doesn’t really scream functional adult.

Either way, there’s another hurdle I need to cross first. Writing my thesis, or more pressing: finding a thesis internship. In other words, convincing a company that even though I might not yet be a fully developed adult, I am definitely a decent student who is worth hiring. Let’s see how that goes.

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