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The final stretch

It’s November and that means that 2017 is pretty close to ending. Normally, I would start thinking about that in December maybe but the thing is that, with two months left, now is the perfect time to realise that the year is almost over. With two months left there’s still a chance to make the most of it. I’ve been thinking a lot about what 2017 has been like and, honestly, I can’t really say. It’s been a lot. Technically, at the start of this year I still lived in the UK and by the end of it I’ll have lived in three countries and moved house about 4 times.

Strangely, I don’t think of 2017 as being very ground-breaking. I remember last year in December when I couldn’t stop wondering at how much had happened and how weird that year had been. This year, I’m a bit more partial. Sure, I’ve done a lot. But most of it I’d done already before. Maybe I’ve just gotten a bit spoilt when it comes to new experiences or maybe I’m forgetting a lot in the blur of classes and exams. Either way.

One of my internship supervisors last year told me that as a young adult I should think of resolutions. Fun ones, that is. I wrecked my brain for weeks and nothing really came up. I remembered this a couple of days ago and with that I realised that I have so many resolutions for next year. Not just boring ones like graduating and finding an actual house to live in but also very specific ones like getting my blog on a proper domain, finally reading through the entire bible and traveling to a new country that I’m curious about.

The thing about this year is that I didn’t really have any goals or expectations. I figured, like last year, that the sheer effort of going abroad again would keep me satisfied. But the novelty has kind of worn off and, despite the fact that it’s objectively still mildly impressive for someone like me to go to a new country where I don’t really speak the language, that makes that I feel a bit unaccomplished.

Therefore, for now, I put my resolutions for 2018 aside a little longer and I focus on the final two months of this year. I already have a bunch of exciting plans set in place but, more importantly, my main resolution is to celebrate the smaller victories as well as the big ones so that by the end of the year I can feel proud again and ready for another year of pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.

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