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How to keep developing

I have thought for a long long time that developing myself meant studying for exams and doing my homework and working my ass off for projects and .. well, you know the drill.

Yeah, it's true; school is a great way to develop yourself. However, ever since I've started my internship I've learnt that there's a great amount of things that I've missed so far.

First of all, experience is important and I'm not talking about a side job in a supermarket. I mean that all of my classmates who've already done internships before, have worked in relevant positions before or have been able to work on real life projects have a massive head start.

"Don't start too late on building your resume." - Every advice ever

Another thing is that it is very important to stay up to date. I've told myself this a million times but for some reason I never really started until I had a lot of hours to fill and not always that much to do. Read the news, follow role models and basically; learn about the world that you will soon be participating in as a full-blown adult.

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