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New Year’s resolutions

Now that the year is coming to an end I have been thinking a lot about New Year’s resolutions. I normally don’t do them as I’m not really the kind of person who is good at following through with them, so I just don’t bother.

Last year, around this time, I was going through some troubles of the heart and I wanted to make resolutions. Looking back on those I am pretty sure I broke all of them and they were not that sensible to begin with anyway. In any case, this year I was not planning on trying that whole thing again. That is until my boss asked me if I had any and he told me that he thinks all young people should think of some and they should be less of an obligation and more like things you want to be doing over the year. Which I think is actually a good sentiment.

Ever since I’ve been thinking about what I want to be doing next year. Do I want to travel to new places or do I want to meet new people or do I want to achieve anything?

Here’s the thing; I have been thinking about good resolutions for over two weeks and I’m still coming up blank. There’s a lot I want but few of those things are something I can write on a list and set a deadline for. So, here’s what will be my resolution for 2017. I resolve to make this year even better than the last, because 2016, despite lots of horrible things going on in the world and around me, has been the best the year of my life so far and I can’t wait to continue on that line.

The truth is that all of my best moments have been the times when I was spontaneous or when someone surprised me or when life just took such an unexpected detour and those are impossible to force or recreate. The best part, though, is that they are also impossible to miss and I can’t wait to write again by the end of the year and be able to say that yes, I definitely followed through with my resolution.

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