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Let's connect

The last 6 months I have come to one big conclusion about my time abroad; good people are the most important thing. I have met a bunch of random, crazy, kind people, some of which I’ve seen only once or twice and some of which I’ve built actual friendships with but all of them have had their part in my story and I’m insanely grateful. Like, I would list them all as a shout-out but honestly, I’m too terrified of forgetting someone, so better not.

The point is that even though my happiness does not depend on others I have learned that it does make a huge difference if you have good people around you. To be honest, it’s not even about those life-changing, forever-lasting friendships, that, let’s face it, are a little too rare for my taste. It’s about the woman who waits for the bus with me every morning, or the guy who told me about racism after the Brexit vote in York, or the woman helping me through the process of manually opening the door of an ancient train. It’s those encounters and conversations and people that have made my time here truly amazing and who have taught me something:

You can find that absolutely everywhere. It’s all around us. Being forced to look outside of my comfort zone for a chat or a joke has shown me just how lovely the world can be and how incredible it is to be able to connect to someone so different in every single way. So, don’t worry if you have trouble finding the right people to be in your life. Keep looking, because they are out there, I promise.

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