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Advanced adulting

A couple of days ago I got an ironing board and an iron from my mother. The next day, right after waking up, I read carefully through the manual and powered it up. I was a bit nervous because in the full twenty years of my existence, I’ve never ironed my clothes before. Fortunately, it turns out that a less than powerful iron and sturdy clothing are very unlikely to turn into a disaster.

Still, as I was busy trying to eliminate wrinkles that have been stuck in my clothes for several years, I had a couple of thoughts. The first was that there’s a bit of a trend happenings. Lately I have been making an effort to put some more thought in the food I cook, as well as the cleanliness of my environment and general tidiness. After stumbling through the first couple of years of living on my own I’m finally on my way to become a qualified adult.

Or maybe not. Because my second thought was that right now I’m in the weirdest limbo between a complete failure and a sensible human-being who can be trusted to keep herself alive. I mean, I’m not saying that I’m very likely to die of messiness, but fact remains that I was sat with an ironing board placed precariously on my sofa bed surrounded by easily inflammable blankets. Even more so, zooming out further you would see how this whole ironing craze was mainly a very well thought out plan to further put off tidying up the explosion of make-up, clothes and dirty dishes spread out around the room.

Basically, I’m not quite there yet. But props to me for ironing, right?

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